scroll down for "peer-reviewed" publications or check RG:
Wang, Z.Y., Zhao, J.X., Qi, Z.Q., Huo, D.Y., Siebel, W., He, J., Li., S.Q., Chen, F. ( 2024) Two stages of late Paleoproterozoic A-type granites at the southern North China Craton: Geochemical constraints and implications for supercontinent breackup. Precambrian Research, 411 DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2024.107500
Topuz, G., Yavuz, O., Candan, O., Zack, T., Ötzkan, M., Siebel, W. (2023) Origin of late Carboniferous highly fractionated high-K calc-alkaline I-type granites from the eastern Pontides (Şiran, northern Turkey). International Geology Review, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2023.2289041
Qin, Z.W., Siebel, W., Fu, J.M., Wang, H., Bao, B., Yu, Y.S., Shan, L., Lu, Y.Y., Wu, Y.B. (2023) Monazite and titanite U-Pb ages of granitoids from the North Qinling Terrane: Implications for the subduction of the Shangdan Ocean and accretionary processes. Lithos, 436-437:106946 DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2023.107386
Topuz, G., Altherr, R., Candan, O., Wang, J.M., Okay, A.I., Wu, F.Y., Ergen, A., Zack, T., Siebel, W., Shang, C.K., Schwarz, W., Meyer, H.P., Satir, M. (2022) Carboniferous mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Eastern Pontides (Pulur Complex): Implications for the source of coeval voluminous granites. Lithos, 436-437:106946 DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106946
Qin, Z.W., Wu, Y.B., Siebel, W., Wang, H., Fu, J.M., Lu, Y.Y., Shan, L., Yu, Y.S.(2022) Source nature and magma evolution of I-type granites from the North Qinling orogen, China, revealed by zircon morphology and grain-scale variations in Hf-O isotope composition. Lithos, 428-429:106819 DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106819
Ayden, F., Sönmez, M., Siebel, W., Karlsli, O., Lermi, A. (2022) Slab breack-off-related magnesian andesites and dacites with adacitic affinity from the early Quaternary Keciboyduran stratovolcano, Cappacocia province, central Turkey: evidence for slab/sediment melt-mantle interaction and magma mixing. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177:65 DOI: 10.1007/s00410-022-01931-8
Huang, X.G., Dou, J.Z., Wu, G.H., He, J., Siebel, W., Chen F. (2021) Source rocks control the geochemical diversity of granite: The Lincang pluton in the western Yunnan Tethyan belt, SW China. Lithos, 382-383, 105950, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105950
Nitzsche, N., Siebel, W., Stober, I. (2021) Geologische, hydrogeologische und anthropogene Einflüsse auf die Wasserchemie der Möhlin, Schwarzwald - eine Momentaufnahme. Grundwasser, DOI: 10.1007/s00767-021-00480-4
Shahbazi, H., Maghami, Y. T., Azizi, H., Asahara, J., Siebel, W., Maanijou, M., Rezai, A. (2021) Zircon U-Pb ages and petrogenesis of late Miocene adakitic rocks from the Sari Gunay gold deposit, NW Iran. Geological Magazine, DOI:
Xiang, L., Zheng, J.P., Zhai, M.G., Siebel, W. (2020) Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic constraints on the origin and petrogenesis of Paleozoic lamproites in the southern Yangtze Block, South China.Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 175, 29-47
Dou, J.Z., Siebel, W., He, J.F., Chen, F. (2019) Different melting conditions and petrogenesis of peraluminous granites in western Qinling, China, and tectonic implications. Lithos, 336-337, 97-111
Kaygusuz, A.., Yücel, C., Arslan, M., Temizel, I., Yi, K., Jeong, Y.J., Siebel, W., Sipahi, F. (2019) Eocene I-type magmatism in the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: insights into magma genesis and magma-tectonic evolution from whole-rock geochemistry, geochronology and isotope systematics. International Geology Review, DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2019.1647468
Li, S.Q., Wang, Y., Fang, B.W., He, J.F., Chen, F., Siebel, W. (2019) Early Cretaceous rift-related volcanism in the Songliao basin, NE China - a geochemical study. International Geology Review, 61, 39-55
Santos, A.S., Geraldes, M.C., Siebel, W., Mendes, J., Bongiolo, E., Santos, W.H., Garrido, T.C.V., Rodrigues, S.W.O. (2019) Pleistocene alkaline rocks of Martin Vaz volcano, South Atlantic: low-degree partial melts of a CO2-metasomatized mantle plume. International Geology Review, 61, 296-313
Zhang, Y.S. Siebel, W., He, S., Wang, Y, Chen, F. (2019) Origin and genesis of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous granites of the North Qinnling Terrane, China. Lithos, 336-337, 242-257
Cheng, T., Nebel, O., Sossi, P.A., Wu, J., Siebel, W., Chen, F., Nebel-Jacobsen, Y.J. (2018) On the Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope code of enriched, Dupal-type sub-continental lithospheric mante underneath south-western China. Chemical Geology, 489, 46-60
Xue, Y.Y., Siebel, W., He, J.F., Zhang, H., Chen, F. (2018) Granitoid petrogenesis and tectonic implications of the Late Triassic Baoji pluton, North Qinling orogen, China: zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic compositions. Journal of Geology, 126, 119-139
Zhang, H., Li, S.Q., Fang, B.W., He, J.F., Xue, Y.Y., Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2018) Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry of migmatites and granites in the Foping dome: evidence for late Triassic crustal evolution in South Qinling, China. Lithos, 296-299, 129-141
Xiang, L., Zheng, J.P., Siebel, W., Griffin, W. L., Wang, W., O'Reilly, S.Y., Li, Y.H., Zhang, H. (2018) Unexposed Archean components and complex post-Archean accretion/reworking processes beneath the southern Yangtze Block revealed by zircon xenocrysts from the Paleozoic lamproites, South China. Precambrian Research, 316, 174-196
Hieu, P.T., Li, S.Q., Yu, Y., Thanh, N.X., Dung, L.T., Tu, V.L., Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2017) Stages of late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic magmatism in the Song Ma belt: evidence from zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope composition. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 106, 855-874
Long, Q., Hu, R., Yang, Y.Z., Yang, C.Y., Zhou, S., Siebel, W., Chen, F (2017) Geochemistry of early Cretaceous intermediate to mafic dikes in the Jiaodong Peninsula: constraints on mantle source composition beneath eastern China. Journal of Geology, 125, 713-732
Siebel, W. (2017) Granite des Fürstensteiner und Hauzenberger Massivs im östlichen Bayerischen Wald. Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins, 99, 165-190
Siebel, W. (2017) Granite - tief unten und weit oben. Freiburger Universitätsblätter, 216, 37-51
Yang, Y.Z., Wang, Y., Ye, R.S., Li, S.Q., He, J.F., Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2017) Petrology and geochemistry of Earrly Cretaceous A-type granitoids and late Mesozoic mafic dikes and their relationship to adakitic intrusions in the lower Yangtze River belt, Southeast China. International Geology Review, 59, 62-79
Cong, F., Li, S.Q., Lin, F.C., Shi, M.F., Zhu, H.P., Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2016) Origin of zircon megacrysts from Cenozoic basalts in northeastern Cambodia: evidence from U-Pb age, Hf-O isotopes, and inclusions. Journal of Geology, 124, 221-234
Hu, Z.P., Zhang, Y.S., Hu, R., Wang, J., Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2016) Amphibole-bearing migmatite in North Dabie, eastern China: water-fluxed melting of the orogenic crust. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 125, 100-116
Nie, H., Wan, X., Zhang, H., He, J.F., Hou, Z.H., Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2016) Ordovician and Triassic mafic dykes in the Wudang terrane: evidence for opening and closure of the South Qunling ocean basin, central China. Lithos, 266-267, 1-15
Nie, H., Yao, J., Wan, X., Zhu, X.Y., Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2016) Precambrian tectonothermal evolution of South Qinling and its affinity to the Yangtze Block: evidence from zircon ages and Hf-Nd isotopic compositions of basement rocks. Precambrian Research, 286, 167-179
Torkian, A., Salehi, N., Siebel, W. (2016) Geochemistry and petrology of basaltic lavas from NE-Qorveh, Kurdistan province, Western Iran. Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 193, 95-112
Zhang, H., Ye, R.S., Liu, B.X., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y.S., Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2016) Partial melting of the South Qinling orogenic crust, China: evidence from Triassic migmatites and diorites of the Foping dome. Lithos, 260, 44-57
Qin, Z.W., Wu, Y.B., Siebel, W., Gao, S., Abdallsamed, M.I.M., Zhang, W.X., Yang, S.H. (2015) Genesis of adakitic granitoids by partial melting of thickened crust and its implications for early crustal growth: a case study from the Huichizi pluton, Qinling orogen, central China. Lithos, 238, 1-12
Schatz, A.K., Yue, Q., Siebel, W., Wu, J., Zöller, L. (2015) Tracking potential source areas of Central European loess: examples from Tokaj (HU), Nussloch (D) and Grub (AT). Open Geosciences, 7, 678-720
Shahbazi, H., Siebel, W., Ghorbani, M., Pourmoafee, M., Sepahi, A.A., Vousoughi Abedini, M., Shang, C.K. (2015) The Almogholagh pluton, Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran: geochemistry, U-(Th)-Pb titanite geochronology and implications for its tectonic evolution. N. Jb. Miner. Abh. (J. Min. Geochem.) 192/1, 85-99
Hasözbek, A., Erdogan B., Satir, M., Siebel, W., Akay, E., Dogan, G.D., Taubald, H. (2014) Reply to comment by Erkül and Erkül on "Al-in-hornblende thermobarometry and Sr-Nd-O-Pb isotopic compositions of the early Miocene Alacam granite in NW Anatolia (Turkey)". Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 23, 475-478
Kaygusuz, A., Arslan, M., Siebel, W., Sipahi, F., Ilbeyli, N., Temizel, I. (2014) LA-ICP MS zircon dating, whole-rock and Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotope geochemistry of the Camibogazi pluton, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: implications for lithospheric mantle and lower crustal sources in arc-related I-type magmatism. Lithos, 192-195, 271-290
Schmitt, A.K.,Danisik, M., Siebel, W., Elitok, Ö., Shen, C.C. (2014) Late Pleistocene zircon ages for intracaldera domes at Gölcük (Isparta, Turkey). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 286, 24-29
Sepahi, A.A., Shahbazi, H., Siebel, W., Ranin, A.(2014) Geochronology of plutonic rocks from the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran and new zircon and titanite U-Th-Pb ages for granitoids from the Marivan pluton. Geochronometria, 41, 207-215
Teiber, H., Marks, M.A.W., Wenzel, T., Siebel, W., Altherr, R., Markl, G. (2014) The distribution of halogens (F, Cl, Br) in granitoid rocks. Chemical Geology, 374-375, 92-109
Vamvaca, A., Siebel, W., Chen, F.K., Rohrmüller, J. (2014) Apatite fission-track dating and low-temperature history of the Bavarian Forest (southern Bohemian massif).International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103, 103-119 Download article in PDF-format
Yang, Y.Z., Chen, F.K., Siebel, W., Zhang, H., Long, Q., He, J.F., Hou, Z.H., Zhu, X.Y. (2014) Age and composition of Cu-Au related rocks from the lower Yangtze river belt: constraints on paleo-Pacific slab roll-back beneath eastern China. Lithos, 202-203, 331-346
Yang, Y.Z., Long, Q., Siebel, W., Cheng, T., Hou, Z.H., Chen, F.K. (2014) Paleo-Pacific subduction in the interior of eastern China: evidence from adakitic rocks in the Edong-Jiurui district. Journal of Geology, 122, 77-97
Zhang, H., Han, Z.Z., Xu, H., Siebel, W., Chen, F.K. (2014) Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical composition of gneisses from the Mesozoic foreland basins in the Yellow Sea, China. International Geology Review, 56, 1984-1999
Zhu, X.Y. Chen, F.K., Nie, H., Siebel, W., Yang, Y.Z., Xue, Y.Y., Zhai, M.G. (2014) Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of South Qinling, China: evidence from zircon ages and geochemistry of the Yaolinghe volcanic rocks. Precambrian Research, 245, 115-130
Erdoğan, B., Akay, E., Hasözbek, A., Satir, M., Siebel, W. (2013) Stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Kazdaği Massif (NW Anatolia) based on field studies and radiometric ages. International Geology Review, 55, 2060-2082
Eroglu, S., Siebel, W., Danisik, M., Pfänder, J., Chen, F.(2013) Multi-system geochronological and isotopic constraints on age and evolution of the Gaoligongshan metamorphic belt and shear zone system in western Yunnan, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 73, 218-239 Download article in PDF-format
Dokuz, A., Uysal, I., Siebel, W., Turan, M., Duncan, R., Akçay, M. (2013) Post-collisional volcanism in the eastern part of the Sakarya zone, Turkey: evidence for slab and crustal melting. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166, 1443-1468
Liu, B.X., Qi, Y., Wang, W., Siebel, W., Zhu, X.Y., Nie, H., He, J.F., Chen, F. (2013) Zircon U-Pb ages and O-Nd isotopic composition of basement rocks in the North Qinling Terrain, central China: evidence for provenance and evolution. International Journal of Earth Science 102, 2153-2173
Scheeres, M., Knipper, C., Hauschild, M., Schönfelder, M., Siebel, W., Vitali, D., Pare, Ch., Alt, K.W. (2013) Evidence for "Celtic migrations"? Strontium isotope analyses at the early La Tène (LT B) cementeries of nebringen (Germany) and Monte Bibele (Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 3614-3625
Weldeab, S., Stuut, J.B.W., Schneider, R.R., Siebel, W. (2013) Holocene climeate variability in the winter rainfall zone od South Africa. Climate of the Past 9, 2309-2356
Yang, L., Chen, F., Liu, B.X., Hu, Z.P., Qi, Y., Wu, J.D., He, J.F., Siebel, W. (2013) Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic composition of the Donggou Mo-bearing granite porphyry, Qinling orogenic belt, central China. International Geology Review 55, 1261-1279
Zhu, X.Y., Chen, F., Liu, B.X., Siebel, W. (2013) Zircon U-Pb and K-feldspar megacryst Rb-Sr isotopic ages and Sr-Hf isotopic composition of the Mesozoic Heyu pluton, eastern Qinling orogen, China. Lithos 156-159, 31-40
Caffe, P.J., Trumbull, R.B., Siebel, W. (2012) Petrology of the Coyaguayma ignimbrite, northern Puna of Argentina: origin and evolution of a peraluminous high-SiO2 rhyolite magma. Lithos 134-135, 179-200
Hasözbek, A., Erdogan, B., Satir, M., Siebel, W., Akay, E., Dogan, G.D., Taubald, H. (2012) Al-in-hornblende thermobarometry and Sr-Nd-O-Pb isotopic compositions of the early Miocene Alacam granite in NW Anatolia (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 21, 37-52
Kaygusuz, A., Arslan, M., Siebel, W., Sipahi, F., Ǐlbeyli, N. (2012) Geochronological evidence and tectonic significance of Carboniferous magmatism in the southwest Trabzon area, eastern Pontides, Turkey. International Geology Review, 54, 1776-1800
Li, S.Q., Chen, F., Siebel, W., Wu, J.D., Zhu, X.Y., Shan, X.L., Sun, X.M. (2012) Late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Songliao basin, NE China: evidence from detrital zircon ages and Sr-Nd isotopes. Gondwana Research 22, 943-955
Phan Trung Hieu, Fukun Chen, Le Thanh Me, Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy, W. Siebel, Ting-Guang Lan (2012) Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic compositions from the Sin Quyen Formation: the Precambrian crustal evolution of northwest Vietnam. International Geology Review, 54, 1548-1561
Scheeres, M., Hauschild, M., Siebel, W., Schönfelder, M., Alt, K.W. (2012) The La Tène cemetery at Münsingen-Rain, Switzerland - a predominantly indigenous retional organised community. In: Arnold, B. (Ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Continental celts. Oxford University Press, Oxford
Siebel, W., Erogly, S., Shang, C.K., Rohrmüller, J. (2012) Zircon geochronology, elemental and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry of two Variscan granitoids from the Odenwald-Spessart crystalline complex (mid-German crystalline rise). Mineralogy and Petrology 105, 187-200 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Shang, C.K., Thern, E., Danisik, M., Rohrmüller, J. (2012) Zircon response to high-grade metamorphism as revealed by U-Pb and cathodoluminescence studies. International Journal of Earth Sciences 101, 2105-2123 Download article in PDF-format
Tong, Y., Wang, T., Siebel, W., Hong, D.W., Sun, M. (2012) Recognition of early Carboniferous alkaline granite in the southern Altai orogen: post-orogenic processes constrained by U-Pb zircon ages, Nd isotopes, and geochemical data. International Journal of Earth Sciences 101, 937-950 Download article in PDF-format
Ganwa A.A., Siebel, W., Shang, C.K., Naimou, S., Ekodeck, G.E. (2011) New constraints from Pb-evaporation zircon ages of ther Meiganga amphibole-biotite gneiss, central Cameroon, on Proterozoic crustal evolution. International Journal of Geosciences 2, 138-147
Ganwa A.A., Siebel, W., Frisch, W., Shang, C.K. (2011) Geochemistry of magmatic rocks and time constraints on deformational phases and shear zone slip in the Meiganga area, central Cameroon. International Geology Review 53, 759-784
Hasözbek, A., Satir, M., Erdogan, B., Akay, E., Siebel, W. (2011) Early Miocene post-collisional magmatism in NW Turkey: geochemical and geochronological constraints. International Geology Review 53, 1198-1119
Kaygusuz, A., Arslan, M., Siebel, W., Şen, C. (2011) Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of post-collisional calc-alkaline volcanics in the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey). Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 20, 137-159
Schmitt, A.K., Danisik, M., Evans, N., Siebel, W., Kiemele, E., Aydin, F., Harvey, J.C. (2011) Acigöl rhyolite field, Central Anatolia (part I): high-resolution dating of eruption episodes and zircon growth rates. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162, 1215-1231 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Schmitt, A.K., Kiemele, E., Danisik, M., Aydin, F. (2011) Acigöl rhyolite field, Central Anatolia (part II): geochemical and isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb, d18O) constraints on volcanism involving two high-silica rhyolite suites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162, 1233-1247 Download article in PDF-format
Vegas, N., Rodriguez, J., Tubia, J.M., Siebel, W., Esteban, J.J., Cuevas, J., Basei, M. (2011) The sphene-centered ocellar texture: an effect of grain-supported flow and melt migration in a hyperdense magma mush. Journal of Geology 119, 143-157
Wang, F., Chen, F., Siebel, W., Li, S.Q., Peng, P., Zhai, M.G. (2011) Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic composition of the Hongqiyingzi complex, northern Hebei province: new evidence for Paleoproterozoic and late Paleozoic evolution of the northern margin of the Borth China craton. Gondwana Research 20, 122-136
Yan, L., Siebel, W., Theye, T., Massonne, H.J. (2011) Isotopic and structural constraints on the late Miocene to Pliocene evolution of the Namche Barwa area, eastern Himalayan syntaxis, SE Tibet. Gondwana Research 19, 894-909
Zhu, X.Y., Chen, F., Li, Y.Z., Yang, Y.Z., Nie, H., Siebel, W., Zhai, M.G. (2011) Crustal evolution of the North Quinling terrain of the Qinling orogen, China: evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotopic composition. Gondwana Research 20, 194-204
Ackermann, L., Krnanska, M., Siebel, W., Strnad, L. (2010) Geochemistry of the Drahotin and Mutenin intrusions, West Bohemian shear zone, Bohemian massif: contrasting evolution of mantle-derived melts. Mineralogy and Petrology 99, 185-199
Elitok, Ö., Özgür, N., Drüppel, K., Dilek, Y., Platevoet, B., Guillou, H., Poisson, A., Scaillet, S., Satir, M., Siebel, W., Bardintzeff, J.M., Deniel, C., Yilmaz, K. (2010) Origin and geodynamic evolution of late Cenozoic potassium-rich volcanism in the Isparta area, southwestern Turkey. International Geology Review 52, 454-504
Hasözbek, A., Akay, E., Erdogan, B., Satir, M., Siebel, W. (2010) Early Miocene granite formation by detachment tectonics or not? A case study from the northern Menderes Massif (Western Turkey). Journal of Geodynamics 50, 67-80
Kaygusuz, A., Siebel, W., Ilbeyli, N., Arslan, M., Satir, M., Sen, C. (2010) Insight into magma genesis at convergent plate margins - a case study from the eastern Pontides (NE Turkey). Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie 187, 265-287
Shahbazi, H., Siebel, W., Pourmoafee, M., Ghorbani, M., Sepahi, A.A., Shang, C.K., Vousoughi, A. (2010) Geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology of the Alvand plutonic complex in Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (Iran): New evidence for Jurassic magmatism. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 39, 668-683
Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2010) Zircon Hf isotope perspective on the origin of granitic rocks from eastern Bavaria, SW Bohemian Massif. International Journal of Earth Sciences 99, 993-1005
Siebel, W., Hann, H.P., Danisik, M., Shang, C.K., Berthold, Ch., Rohrmüller, J., Wemmer, K., Evans, N.J. (2010) Age constraints on faulting and fault reactivation: a multi-chronological approach. International Journal of Earth Sciences 99, 1187-1197 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Shang, C.K., Presser, V. (2010) Permo-Carboniferous magmatism in the Fichtelgebirge: dating the youngest intrusive pulse by U-Pb, 207Pb/206Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology. Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften 38, 85-98
Topuz, G., Altherr, R., Siebel, W., Schwarz, W.H., Zack, T., Hasözbek, A., Barth, M., Satir, M., Sen, C. (2010) Carboniferous high-potassium I-type granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Pontides: the Gümüshane pluton (NE Turkey). Lithos 116, 92-110
Wang, W., Wang, F., Chen, F., Zhu, X., Xiao, P., Siebel, W. (2010) Detrital zircon ages and Hf-Nd isotopic composition of Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks in the Yangtze block: constraints on the deposition age and provenance. Journal of Geology 118, 79-94
Siebel, W., Schmitt, A.K., Danisik, M., Chen, F., Meier, S., Weiss, S., Eroglu, S. (2009) Prolonged mantle residence of zircon xenocrysts from the western Eger rift. Nature Geoscience 2, 886-890 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2009) Zircon Hf isotope perspective on the origin of granitic rocks from eastern Bavaria, SW Bohemian Massif. International Journal of Earth Sciences 99, 993-1005 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Danisik, M., Chen, F. (2009) From emplacement to unroofing: thermal history of the Jiazishan complex, Sulu UHP terrane, China. Mineralogy and Petrology 96, 163-175 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Shang, C.K., Reitter, E., Rohrmüller, J., Breiter, K. (2009) Two distinctive granite suites in the southwestern Bohemian Massif: Reply to F. Finger and M. Rene. Journal of Petrology 50, 595-599 Download article in PDF-format
Ackerman, L., Jelinek, E., Medaris, G., Jezek, J., Siebel, W., Strnad, L. (2009) Geochemistry of Fe-rich peridotites from Horni Bory, Bohemian Massif: Insights into subduction-related melt-rock reactions. Chemical Geology 259, 152-167
Chen, F., Zhu, X.Y., Wang, W., Wang, F., Hieu, P.T., Siebel, W. (2009) Single-grain detrital muscovite Rb-Sr isotope composition as an indicator of provenance for the Carboniferous sedimentary rocks in northern Dabie, China. Geochemical Journal 43, 257-273
Galadi-Enriquez, E., Blaha, U., Siebel, W., Rohrmüller, J. (2009) Structural, geochronological and barometric constraints on Variscan deformation in the southwestern Bohemian Massif: the case study of the Untermitterdorf igneous body (Bavarian Forest, Germany). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 160, 297-313
Hettmann, K., Siebel, W., Spiegel, C., Reinecker, J. (2009) Granite genesis and migmatization in the western Aar Massif, Switzerland. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen 186, 309-320
Kaygusuz, A., Chen, B., Aslan, Z., Siebel, W., Sen, C. (2009) U-Pb zircon SHRIMP ages, geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the Early Cretaceous I-type Sariosman pluton, Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 18, 549-581
Kovarikova, P., Siebel, W., Jelinek, E., Stemprok, M., Kachlik, V., Holub, F.V., Blecha, V. (2009) Dioritic intrusions of the Slavkovsky les (Kaiserwald), Western Bohemia: their origin and significance in late Variscan granitoid magmatism. International Journal of Earth Sciences 99, 545-565
Medaris, G., Ackerman, L., Jelinek, E., Toy, V., Siebel, W., Tikoff, B. (2009) The Sklene garnet peridotite: petrology, geochemistry, and structure of a mantle-derived boudin in Moldanubian granulite. Journal of Geosciences 54, 301-323
Altherr, R., Topuz, G., Siebel, W., Sen, C., Meyer, H.P., Satir, M., Lahaye, Y. (2008) Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic characteristics of Paleocene plagioleucitites from the eastern Pontides (NE Turkey). Lithos 105, 149-161
El-Naby, H.A., Frisch, W., Siebel, W. (2008) Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Wadi Hafafit culmination (Central Eastern Desert, Egypt). Implication for Neoproterozoic core complex exhumation in NE Africa. Geologica Acta 6, 293-312
Ganwa, A.A., Frisch, W., Siebel, W., Ekodeck, G.E., Shang, C.K., Ngako, V. (2008) Archean inheritances in the pyroxene-amphibole-bearing gneiss of the Meiganga area (Central North Cameroon): Geochemical and 207Pb/206/Pb age imprints. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 340, 211-222
Ganwa, A.A., Frisch, W., Siebel, W., Shang, C.K., Mvondo, J.O., Satir, M., Tchakounte, J.N. (2008) Zircon 207Pb/206b evaporation ages of Panafrican metasedimentaty rocks in the Kombe-II area (Bafia group, Cameroon): Constraints on protolith age and provenance. Journal of African Earth Sciences 51, 77-88
Hopp, J., Trieloff, M., Brey, G.P., Woodland, A.B., Simon, N.S.C., Wijbrans, J., Siebel, W., Reitter, E. (2008) 40Ar/39Ar-ages of phlogopite in mantle xenoliths from South African kimberlites: Evidence of metasomatic mantle impregnation during Kibaran orogenic cycle. Lithos 106, 351-364
Kaygusuz, A., Siebel, W., Sen, C., Satir, M. (2008) Petrochemistry and petrology of I-type granitoids in an arc setting: the composite Torul pluton, Eastern Pontites, NE Turkey. International Journal of Earth Sciences 97, 739-764
Klein, T., Kiehm, S., Siebel, W., Shang, C.K., Rohrmüller, J., Dürr, S., Zulauf, G. (2008) Age and emplacement of late-Variscan granites of the western Bohemian Massif with main focus on the Hauzenberg granitoids. Lithos 102, 478-505 Download article in PDF-format
Propach, G., Bayer, B., Chen, F., Frank, Ch., Hölzl, S., Hofmann, B., Köhler, H., Siebel, W., Troll, G. (2008) Geochemistry and petrology of late Variscan magmatic dykes of the Bavarian Forest, Germany. Geologica Bavarica 110, 304-342
Siebel, W., Shang, C.K., Reitter, E., Rohrmüller, J., Breiter, K. (2008) Two distinctive granite suites in the southwestern Bohemian Massif and their record of emplacement: constraints from geochemistry and 207Pb/206Pb chronology. Journal of Petrology 49, 1853-1872 Download article in PDF-format
Upadhyay, R., Frisch, W., Siebel, W. (2008) Tectonic implications of new U-Pb zircon ages of the Ladakh batholith, Indus suture zone, northwest Himalaya, India. Terra Nova 20, 309-317
Chen, F., Li, X.H., Wang, X.L., Li, Q.L., Siebel, W. (2007) Zircon age and Nd-Hf isotopic composition of the Yunnan Tethyan belt, southwestern China. International Journal of Earth Sciences 96, 1179-1194
Ehrmann, W., Schmiedl, G., Hamann, Y., Kuhnt, T., Hemleben, Ch., Siebel, W. (2007) Clay minerals in late glacial and Holocene sediments of the northern and southern Aegean Sea. Palaeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 249, 36-57
Förster, H.J., Gottesmann, B., Tischendorf, G., Siebel, W., Rhede, D., Seltmann, R., Wasternack, J. (2007) Permo-Carboniferous subvolcanic rhyolitic dikes in the western Erzgebirge/Vogtland, Germany: a record of source heterogeneity of post-collisional felsic magmatism. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen 183, 123-147
Hann, H.P., Rohrmüller, J., Siebel, W. (2007) Quarz-gefüllte Extensionsbrüche im Kristallin des Vorderen Bayerischen Waldes (Quartz-filled extensional veins in the basement of the Vorderer Bayerischer Wald). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 244, 197-205
Kovarikova, P., Siebel, W., Jelinek, E., Stemprok, M., Kachlik, V., Holub, F.V., Blecha, V. (2007) Petrology and geochemistry of redwitzites from Abertamy in the Nejdek-Eibenstock granite massif of the Krusne hory/ Erzgebirge granite batholith, Czech Republic: its bearing on batholith genesis. Chemie der Erde 67, 151-174
Li, Q.L., Chen, F., Guo, J.H., Li, Y.H., Yang, Y.H., Siebel, W. (2007) Zircon ages and Nd-Hf isotopic composition of the Zhaertai Group (Inner Mongolia): evidence for early Proterozoic evolution of the northern North China block. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences 30, 573-590
Li, X.H., Chen, F., Guo, J.H., Li, Q.L., Xie, L.W., Siebel, W. (2007) Provenance of the low-grade Penglai Group in the Sulu UHP orogenic belt, eastern China: evidence from detrital zircon age and Nd-Hf composition. Geochemical Journal 41, 29-45
Liu, Y., Siebel, W., Massonne, H.J., Xiao, X. (2007) Geochronological and petrological constraints for tectonic evolution of the central Greater Himalayan sequence in the Kharta area, southern Tibet. Journal of Geology 115, 215-230
Shang, C.K., Satir, M., Nsifa, E.N., Liegeois, J.P., Siebel, W., Taubald, H. (2007) Archaean high-K granitoids produced by remelting of earlier Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorite (TTG) in the Sangmelima region of the Ntem complex of the Congo craton, southern Cameroon. International Journal of Earth Sciences 96, 817-841
Schnurr, W.B.W., Trumbull, R.B., Clavero, J., Hahne, K., Siebel, W., Gardeweg, M. Twenty-fife years of silicic volcanism in the southern central volcanic zone of the Andes: geochemistry and magma genesis of ignimbrites from 25-27°S, 67-72°W. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 166, 17-46
Siebel, W., Van den haute, P. (2007) RADIOMETRIC DATING AND TRACING, In: Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry, [Ed. Sandor Nagy]. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford UK, [http://www.eolss.net] Download article in PDF-format
Franz, G., Lucassen, F., Kramer, W., Trumbull, R.B., Romer, R.B., Wilke, H.G., Viramonte, J.B., Becchio, R., Siebel, W. (2006) Crustal evolution at the central Andean continental margin: a geochemical record of crustal growth, recycling and destruction. In: Oncken, O., Chong, G., Franz, G., Giese, P., Götze, H.J., Ramos, V.A., Strecker, M.R., Wigger, P. (Eds.) The Andes - active subduction orogeny. Frontiers in Earth Sciences. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 45-64
Liu, Y., Massonne, H.-J., Siebel, W., Xiao, X. (2006): Geological aspects of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: New constraints from structural, petrologic and zircon SHRIMP data. In: Saklani (ed.) Himalaya : Geological Aspects vol. 4, 325-388. ISBN: 8189304143
Müller, A., Seltmann, R., Halls, C., Siebel, W., Dulski, P., Jeffries, T., Spratt, J., Kronz, A. (2006) The magmatic evolution of the Land's End pluton, Cornwall, and associated pre-enrichment of metals. Ore Geology Review 28, 329-367
Nzegge, O.M., Satir, M., Siebel, W., Taubald, H. (2006) Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the genesis of the Late Palaeozoic Deliktaş and Sivrikaya granites from the Kastamonu granitoid belt (Central Pontides, Turkey). Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen 183, 27-40
Okay, A.I., Satir, M., Siebel, W. (2006) Pre-Alpine and Mesozoic orogenic events in the Eastern Mediterranean region. In: Gee, D.G. & Stephenson, R.A. (eds) European Lithosphere Dynamics, Geological Society, London, Memoirs 32, 389-405
Siebel, W., Hann, H.P., Shang, C.K., Rohrmüller, J., Chen, F. (2006) Coeval late-Variscan emplacement of granitic rocks: an example from the Regensburg Forest, NE Bavaria. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Abhandlungen 183, 13-26
Siebel, W., Thiel, M., Chen, F. (2006) Zircon geochronology and compositional record of late- to post-kinematic granitoids associated with the Bavarian Pfahl zone (Bavarian Forest). Mineralogy and Petrology 86, 45-62 Download article in PDF-format
Wang, P.J., Chen, F., Chen, S.M., Siebel, W., Satir, M. (2006) Geochemical and Nd-Sr-Pb isotopic composition of Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the Songliao basin, NE China. Geochemical Journal 40, 149-159
Guo, J., Chen, F., Zhang, X., Siebel, W., Zhai, M. (2005) Evolution of syn- to post-collisional magmatism from north Sulu UHP belt, eastern China: zircon U-Pb geochronology. Acta Petrologica Sinica 21(4), 1281-1301
Halama, R., Vennemann, T., Siebel, W., Markl, G. (2005) The Grönnedal-Ika carbonatite-syenite complex, South Greenland: an origin involving liquid immiscibility. Journal of Petrology 46, 191-217
Jiang, L.-L., Siebel, W., Chen, F., Liu, Y.-C., Chu, D.-R. (2005) U-Pb zircon ages for the Luzhenguan Complex in northern part of the eastern Dabie orogen. Science in China Series D - Earth Sciences, 48(9), 1357-1367
Kramer, W., Siebel, W., Romer, R.L., Haase, G., Zimmer, M., Ehrlichmann, R. (2005) Geochemical and isotopic characteristics and evolution of the Jurassic volcanic arc between Arica (18°30'S) and Tocopilla (22°S), North Chilean Coastal Cordillera. Chemie der Erde 65, 47-78
Lennox, P.G., Trzebski, R., Armstrong, R., Siebel, W. (2005) Structural evolution and granite chronology of the central Molong zone, eastern Lachlan Fold Belt, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 52, 79-99
Lindsay, J.M., Trumbull, R.B., Siebel, W. (2005) Geochemistry and petrogenesis of late Pleistocene to Recent volcanism in southern Dominica, Lesser Antilles. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 148, 253-284
Siebel, W., Blaha, U., Chen, F., Rohrmüller, J. (2005) Geochronology and geochemistry of a dyke-host rock association and implications for the formation of the Bavarian Pfahl shear zone, Bohemian Massif. International Journal of Earth Sciences 94, 8-23 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Reitter, E., Wenzel, T., Blaha, U. (2005) Sr isotope systematics of K-feldspar in plutonic rocks revealed by the Rb-Sr microdrilling technique. Chemical Geology 222, 183-199 Download article in PDF-format
Topuz, G., Altherr, R., Schwarz, W.H., Siebel, W., Satir, M., Dokuz, A. (2005) Post-collisional plutonism with adakite-like signatures: the Eocene Saraycik granodiorite (Eastern Pontides, Turkey). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 150, 441-455
Wei, L., Siebel, W., Li, X.J., Pan, X.F. (2005) Petrogenesis of the Linxi granitoids, northern Inner Mongolia of China: constraints on basaltic underplating. Chemical Geology 219, 5-35
Chen, F., Siebel, W. (2004) Zircon and titanite geochronology of the Fürstenstein granite massif, Bavarian Forest, NW Bohemian Massif: Pulses of late Variscan magmatic activity. European Journal of Mineralogy 16, 777-788
Halama, R., Marks, M., Brügmann, G., Siebel, W., Wenzel, T., Markl, G. (2004) Crustal contamination of mafic magmas: evidence from a petrological, geochemical and Sr-Nd-Os-O isotopic study of the Proterozoic Isortoq dike swarm. Lithos 74, 199-232
Marks, M., Vennemann, T., Siebel, W., Markl, G. (2004) Nd-, O-, and H-isotopic evidence for complex, closed-system fluid evolution of the peralkaline Ilimaussaq intrusion, South Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68, 3379-3395
Nguyen, T.B.T., Satir, M., Siebel, W., Vennemann, T., Long, T.V. (2004) Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of granitoids from the Dalat zone, southern Vietnam. Journal of Asian Earth Science 23, 467-482
Nguyen, T.B.T., Satir, M., Siebel, W., Chen, F. (2004) Granitoids in the Dalat zone, southern Vietnam: age constraints on magmatism and regional geological implications. International Journal of Earth Sciences 93, 329-340
Schwab, M., Ratschbacher, L., Siebel, W., McWilliams, M., Minaev, V., Lutkov, V., Fukun, C., Stanek, K., Nelson, B., Frisch, W., Wooden, J.L. (2004) Assembly of the Pamirs: age and origin of magmatic belts from the southern Tien Shan to the southern Pamirs and their relation to Tibet. Tectonics 23 2003TC001583
Shang, C.K., Satir, M., Siebel, W., Nsifa, E.N., Taubald, H., Liegeois J.P., Tchoua F.M. (2004) Major and trace element geochemistry, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd systematics of TTG magmatism in the Congo craton: case of the Sangmelima region, Ntem complex, southern Cameroon. Journal of African Earth Sciences 40, 61-79
Shang, C.K., Siebel, W., Satir, M., Chen, F., Mvondo J.O. (2004) Zircon Pb-Pb and U-Pb systematics of TTG rocks in the Congo craton: constraints on crust formation, magmatism, and Pan-African lead loss. Bulletin of Geosciences 79, 205-219
Spiegel, C., Siebel, W., Kuhlemann, J., Frisch, W. (2004) Towards a comprehensive provenance analysis: A multi-method approach and its implications for the evolution of the Central Alps. In: Bernet, M. & Spiegel, C. (eds) Detrital thermochronology - Provenance analysis, exhumation, and landscape evolution of mountain belts: Boulder, Colorado. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 378, 37-50
Chen, F., Guo, J., Jiang, L.L., Siebel, W., Cong, B., Satir, M. (2003) Provenance of the Beihuaiyang lower-grade metamorphic zone of the Dabie ultrahigh-pressure collisional orogen, China: evidence from zircon ages. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 22, 343-352
Chen, F., Siebel, W., Guo, J., Cong, B., Satir, M. (2003) Late Proterozoic magmatism and metamorphism recorded in gneisses from the Dabie high-pressure metamorphic zone, eastern China: evidence from U-Pb geochronology. Precambrian Research 120, 131-147
Chen, F., Siebel, W., Satir, M. (2003) Geochemical and isotopic composition and inherited zircon ages as evidence for lower crustal origin of two Variscan S-type granites in the NW Bohemian massif. International Journal of Earth Sciences 92, 173-184
Halama, R., Wenzel, T., Upton, B.G.J., Siebel, W., Markl, G. (2003) A geochemical and Sr-Nd-O isotopic study of the Proterozoic Eriksfjord basalts, Gardar province, south Greenland: reconstruction of an OIB signature in crustally contaminated rift-related basalts. Mineralogical Magazine 67, 831-854
Marks, M., Vennemann, T., Siebel, W., Markl, G. (2003) Quantification of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in a peralkaline syenite-alkali granite complex based on textures, phase equilibria, and stable and radiogenic isotopes. Journal of Petrology 44, 1247-1280
Siebel, W., Chen, F., Satir, M. (2003) Late-Variscan magmatism revisited: New implications from Pb-evaporation zircon ages on the emplacement of redwitzites and granites in NE Bavaria. International Journal of Earth Sciences 92, 36-53 Download article in PDF-format
Weldeab, S., Siebel, W., Wehausen, R., Emeis, K.-C., Schmiedl, G., Hemleben, Ch. (2003) Late Pleistocene sedimentation in the Western Mediterranean Sea: implications for productivity changes and climatic conditions in the catchment areas. Palaeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 190, 121-137
Altherr, R., Siebel, W. (2002) I-type plutonism in a continental back-arc setting: Miocene granitoids from the central Aegean Sea, Greece. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 134, 397-415
Chen, F., Siebel, W., Satir, M. (2002) Zircon U-Pb and Pb-isotope fractionation during stepwise HF acid leaching and geochronological implications. Chemical Geology 191, 155-164
Chen, F., Siebel, W., Satir, M., Terzioğlu, M.N., Saka, K. (2002) Geochronology of the Karadere basement (NW Turkey) and implications for the geological evolution of the Istanbul zone. International Journal of Earth Sciences 91, 469-481
Lucassen, F., Harmon, R., Franz, G., Romer, R.L., Becchio, R., Siebel, W. (2002) Lead evolution of the Pre-Mesozoic crust in the central Andes (18-27°): progressive homogenisation of Pb. Chemical Geology 186, 183-197
Spiegel, C., Siebel, W., Frisch, W. (2002) Sr and Nd isotope ratios of detrital epidote from molasse sediments as provenance indicator and their significance for the reconstruction of the exhumation history of the Central Alps. Chemical Geology 189, 231-250
Thuy T.B.N., Siebel, W., Satir, M., Tam M.B. (2002) Internal structure of zircons and geochronological evidence for the existence of a Precambrian basement in the Dalat zone, southern Vietnam. Journal of Geology, Hanoi , Series B Vol. 19-20, 69-78
Weldeab, S., Emeis, K.-C., Hemleben, Ch., Siebel, W. (2002) Provenance of lithogenic surface sediments and pathways of riverine suspended matters in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: evidence from 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios. Chemical Geology 186, 139-149
Haschke, M., Siebel, W., Günther, A. Scheuber, E. (2001) Repeated crustal thickening and recycling during the Andean orogeny in North Chile (21-26°S). Journal of Geophysical Research 106, 1-18
Siebel, W., Schnurr, B.W., Hahne, K., Kraemer, B., Trumbull, R.B., van den Bogaard, P., Emmermann, R. (2001) Geochemistry and isotope systematics of small- to medium-volume Neogene-Quaternary ignimbrites in the southern central Andes: evidence for derivation from andesitic magma sources. Chemical Geology 171, 213-237 Download article in PDF-format
Lindsay, J.M., Schmitt, A.K., Trumbull, R.B., de Silva, S.L., Siebel, W., Emmermann, R. (2001) Magmatic evolution of the La Pacana caldera system, central Andes, Chile: Compositional variation of two cogenetic, large-volume felsic ignimbrites. Journal of Petrology 42, 459-486
Siebel, W., Becchio R., Volker, F., Hansen, M.A.F., Viramonte, J., Trumbull , R.B., Haase, G., Zimmer, M. (2000) Trindade and Martin Vaz Islands, South Atlantic: Isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) and trace element constraints on plume related magmatism. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 13, 79-103 Download article in PDF-format
Trumbull, R.B., Wittenbrink, R., Hahne, K., Emmermann, R., Büsch, W., Gerstenberger, H., Siebel, W. (1999) Evidence for Late Miocene to Recent contamination of arc andesites by crustal melts in the Chilean Andes (25-26°) and its geodynamic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12, 135-155
Siebel, W. (1998) Variszischer spät- bis postkollisionaler Plutonismus in Deutschland: Regionale Verbreitung, Stoffbestand und Altersstellung. Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften 26, 329-358
Siebel, W., Henjes-Kunst, F., Rhede, D. (1998) High-temperature memory in calcic amphiboles and constraints on compositional control of their 40Ar/39Ar ages. Geology 26, 31-34 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Raschka, H., Irber, W., Kreuzer, H., Lenz, K.-L., Höhndorf, A., Wendt, I. (1997) Early Palaeozoic acid magmatism in the Saxothuringian belt: new insight from a geochemical and isotopic study of orthogneisses and metavolcanic rocks from the Fichtelgebirge, SE Germany. Journal of Petrology 38, 203-230 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Trzebski, R., Stettner, G., Hecht, L., Casten, U., Höhndorf, A., Müller, P. (1997) Granitoid magmatism of the NW Bohemian Massif revealed: gravity data, composition, age relations, and phase concept. Geologische Rundschau 86, S45-S63 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Breiter, K., Wendt, I., Höhndorf, A., Henjes-Kunst, F., Rene, M. (1997) Petrogenesis of contrasting granitoid plutons in western Bohemia, Czech Republic. Mineralogy and Petrology 65, 207-235 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W. (1995) Anticorrelated Rb-Sr and K-Ar age discordances, Leuchtenberg granite, NE Bavaria, Germany. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 120, 197-211 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W. (1995) Constraints on Variscan granite emplacement in north-east Bavaria, Germany: further clues from a petrogenetic study of the Mitterteich granite. Geologische Rundschau 84, 384-398 Download article in PDF-format
Siebel, W., Höhndorf, A., Wendt, I. (1995) Origin of late Variscan granitoids from NE Bavaria, Germany, exemplified by REE and Nd isotope systematics. Chemical Geology 125, 249-270 Download article in PDF-format
Breiter, K., Siebel, W. (1995) Granitoids in the Rozvadov pluton. Geologische Rundschau 84, 506-519
Siebel, W. (1994) Inferences about magma mixing and thermal events from isotopic variations in redwitzites near the KTB site. KTB Report 94-3, 157-164 Download article in PDF-format
Lippolt, H.J., Siebel, W. (1991) Evidence for multi-stage alteration of Schwarzwald lamprophyres. European Journal of Mineralogy 3, 587-601
Hradetzky, H., Siebel, W. (1990) Der Lamprophyr von Hofstetten im Granulit- und Gneisgebiet südlich Haslach (Zentralschwarzwald). Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des oberrheinischen geologischen Vereins 72, 243-264