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List of previous projects and activities


Lifetimes of rhyolitic magma systems: high temporal resolution magma evolution of the Quaternary Acigoel Complex, Anatolia, Turkey DFG (Siebel) together with A.K. Schmitt, UCLA and M.Danisik, Curtin University, Perth


Dating of a quarzdiorite-granodiorite complex in the Spessart, mid-German crystalline rise (Siebel) Financial support: Bavarian Environment Agency


Apatite fission track dating on granites and gneisses of the Bavarian Forest (Siebel) Financial support: Bavarian Environment Agency; employee: Dipl. Geol. Agnes Vamvaca


Tracing material flow around the East-Himalayan syntaxis DFG Priority Program 1372 (O' Brien, Ratschbacher, Appel, Bousquet, Dunkl, Gloaguen, Handy, Konrad-Schmolke, Oberhänsli, Pfänder, Siebel) Tibetan Plateau: Formation, Climate and Ecosystems (TIP)


Hf-Isotope systematics of zircons (Siebel) In cooperation with F. Chen, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, Beijing; Financial support: Robert-Bosch Stiftung


Isotopengeochemische Charakterisierung von Metamorphiten des Bayerischen Waldes (Siebel) Financial support: Bavarian Environment Agency; employee: Dr. C.K. Shang


Geological mapping project map sheet 6939 Donaustauf, Bavarian Forest (1 : 25000): (Siebel) EU and Freistaat Bayern. Project Partner: LfU/BGLA; employee: Dr. H. Hann


Geological mapping project map sheet 7146 Grafenau, Bavarian Forest (1 : 25000): (Siebel) Financial support: EU and Freistaat Bayern. Project Partner: LfU/BGLA; employee: Dr. H. Hann


Geological mapping project map sheet 6941 Stallwang, Bavarian Forest (1 : 25000): (Siebel) Financial support: EU and Freistaat Bayern. Project Partner: LfU/BGLA; employee: Dr. H. Hann


Geological mapping project map sheet 7040 Pfatter and 7041Muenster, Bavarian Forest (1 : 25000): (Siebel) Financial support: EU and Freistaat Bayern. Project Partner: LfU/BGLA; employee: Dipl.-Geol. U. Blaha  


Strukturell-metamorphe und geochronologische Entwicklung des ostalpinen Kristallins der Kreuzeckgruppe (Ostalpen) waehrend der beiden alpinen orogenen Zyklen DFG: (Frisch, Markl, Siebel, Dunkl) Research Assistents: Dipl. Geol. Ch. Dekant, Dipl. Geol. A. Wölfl 


Geological mapping project map sheet Schoefweg, Bavarian Forest (1:25000): (Siebel) Financial support: EU and Freistaat Bayern. Project Partner: Geological Survey of Bavaria, BGLA; employee: Dipl.-Geol. U. Blaha


Chronology of high-grade metamorphic rocks and basements in southern Tibet DFG-CHV 113/204/0-1: (Siebel) Chinese-German cooperative research project


Geochronologie (Einzelzirkondatierungen und konventionelle Uran-Blei-Analysen spaetvariscischer Magmatite am Westrand der Boehmischen Masse DFG Si 718/2: (Siebel, Satir) Research Assistent: Dr. Fukun Chen


Geochronologie zur Rekonstruktion der metamorphen Entwicklung des Kazdag-Kristallins, NW Tuerkei Structural Fond Program, University Tübingen (Siebel)


Geochemical and petrologic studies of Neogene ignimbrites and related volcanics in the central Andes: relationship to crustal evolution DFG SFB-267/C2: (Emmermann) SFB 267: Deformation processes in the Andes      


Quantitative Erfassung von Differentiationsprozessen in granitischen Magmen in NE Bayern und der westlichen CSFR DFG We 345/28: (Wendt and Höhndorf) SPP: German Continental Deep Drilling Program, KTB


Geochronologische und geochemische Untersuchungen im Komplex des Falkenberger Granitmassivs und seiner Adventivmassive DFG We 345/25: (Wendt and Stettner) SPP: German Continental Deep Drilling Program, KTB

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